Views: 4535689 Author: Phoenix Publish Time: 2022-12-23 Origin: Cangzhou Phoenix Breeding Equipment Co., Ltd
1. The advantages of caged broilers
Improve unit space utilization;
Feed efficiency can be increased by 5% to 10%, and the cost can be reduced by 3% to 7%.
Save money on medicines.
No need for litter, saving money;
Improve labor efficiency;
It is convenient to raise male and female separately, implement scientific management, and increase the speed of weight gain;
At the same time, it can effectively control the occurrence of diseases.
2. Key points of cleaning and disinfection before feeding
1). Cleaning of chicken coops and cages
Clean the chicken coop and cages with tap water, and do not leave any dead space thoroughly when cleaning. Automatic Feed lines and Automatic water lines should also be thoroughly cleaned to avoid residual feed, dirt and feces.
2). Disinfection of chicken houses and cages
Caged broilers have a high stocking density, so spraying or fumigation is used for disinfection. If the disinfection is not thorough, bacteria and viruses will easily remain, which is not conducive to future breeding and disease prevention. Pay attention to the rotation and dosage of disinfectants during disinfection. Before fumigation and disinfection, close the doors and windows of the chicken house, block all the gaps, and then calculate the dosage of the medicine according to the volume of the chicken house (the amount of potassium permanganate and formalin used for fumigation and disinfection of the chicken house is 10-15 grams of potassium permanganate, Formalin 20-30 ml), after disinfection, open the doors and windows to ventilate and ventilate for 1-2 days to prepare for the chicks.
3. Main points of feeding and management of broilers in cages
1) . Temperature control in the chicken house
(1) Control the temperature in the chicken house before entering the chicks
Broilers in cages are reared in the whole house. Before brooding, adjust the heat preservation equipment in the chicken house, check the radiators and pipes for water leakage and lack of heat, and avoid dead ends.
Before entering the chicks, heat the chicken house to 26°C to keep warm in advance. Because broilers in cages adopt the method of brooding in the whole house, the brooding space is large, and the temperature in the chicken house is adjusted to make the temperature uniform to avoid the phenomenon that the temperature difference is too large.
(2) Control of the temperature in the chicken house during the rearing period
The broiler rearing period refers to the period from the 7th day of age to the slaughter. From the brooding period, the temperature should be lowered by 0.5°C every week. From the 21st day of age to the slaughter, the temperature should be maintained at around 26°C.
(3) Control of the temperature in the chicken house during the brooding period
Broilers raised in cages adopt high-temperature brooding. The temperature during the brooding period is 33°C, and then decreases by 0.5°C every week. Because the ability of chicks to regulate their body temperature within 7 days of age is low, the temperature in the brooding house should be kept constant within 7 days of age. Farmers should always check the temperature in the chicken coop to avoid high and low temperatures, which will reduce the resistance of the chicks.
2). Light control in the chicken house
(1) Light control in the chicken house during the brooding period
Broilers raised in cages are brooded in cages, which is consistent with the light intensity of ground flat rearing and online flat rearing, that is, the light intensity of 10-20LX is adopted during the brooding period, and 10LX is generally suitable (lighting time unit: 20 lux is equivalent to 3.3 watts /m, 10 lux is equivalent to 1.7 W/m). At present, most broiler chicken houses in cages can solve the problem of light intensity in the house by installing windows and skylights, but the light intensity in the house at night often does not meet the requirements.
(2) Light control in the chicken coop during the rearing period
As the chicks grow older, the group gradually expands. Broilers in cages are reared from the top brooding group to the middle layer and the lower layer. At this time, the light intensity is generally 5LX, but if it is not completely closed during the day, especially in summer In chicken houses, the light intensity is often greater than 5LX and lower than 5LX at night. The light intensity is not easy to grasp, and the light intensity between the upper, middle and lower cages is also inconsistent, so the light intensity of broilers in cages is not easy to grasp. .
3). Ventilation control in the chicken house
(1) Control of ventilation in the chicken house during the brooding period
During the brooding period, the temperature in the chicken house is required to be constant, so the temperature in the chicken house should not be lowered while ventilating. Installing a thermostat in a standardized broiler chicken house can effectively solve this contradiction. By controlling the fan The opening and closing of the chicken house can achieve ventilation and ventilation in the chicken house. Fan settings during brooding, the opening temperature is set to 35°C, and the closing temperature is 33°C, that is, the fan is automatically turned on when the temperature in the chicken house is higher than 35°C, and the fan is automatically turned off when the temperature in the chicken house is lower than 33°C. At the same time, open the windows on both sides of the chicken house appropriately during the day and night to increase the amount of ventilation and air exchange to avoid hypoxia caused by insufficient ventilation and air exchange in the chicken house.
(2) Control of ventilation in the chicken house during the rearing period
As the age of the chicks increases, continuously adjust the temperature setting value on the thermostat. For example, after 21 days of age, the temperature difference between the opening and closing of the fan is set to one degree, that is, the opening temperature of the fan is 27°C, and the closing temperature is 26°C. Control the ventilation volume in the chicken house by turning on and off the fan in the chicken house, so that there is sufficient oxygen in the chicken house without peculiar smell.
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Poultry equipment are tools or instruments that are used for purposes like hatching, brooding, housing, feeding, cleaning, and maintaining good conditions in poultry farms. Basically, small farm owners require manual equipment that will effectively fulfil their purpose but at the commercial level of production, the huge amount of birds will require more sophisticated equipment and labour with technical-know how to power them. Depending on the level of your production, there is a variety of equipment to select from.
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