How to do a good job in winter brooding management?

Publish Time: 2023-04-18     Origin: Phoenix Breeding Equipment

The weather is very cold in winter. The temperature in the north is generally about -10°C to -20°C, and the temperature in the south can reach about -5°C to -2°C. There are many windy days and low humidity, but the temperature and humidity required for brooding are higher. Under normal circumstances, the temperature required in the first week reaches 32-37°C, and the humidity is 50-60%. After that, it must be kept down by 2°C every week, so it will be very difficult to brood in winter.

Due to the winter weather, it will undoubtedly be very difficult to maintain the temperature of the chicken house. If the temperature is too low, it is easy to cause the following problems:

1. In order to warm each other, the chicks are likely to get together and squeeze, which will affect feeding and activities, and easily cause disability.

2. Cause diarrhea, resulting in a large number of weak chicks with poor uniformity, and in severe cases, it will cause a large number of deaths.

3. It causes the problem of low egg production rate due to the secondary transmission of the respiratory tract, and will also seriously affect the income of the majority of farmers.

Therefore, brooding in winter is the focus and difficulty in laying hen breeding. It is recommended that breeding friends pay attention to the following aspects:


1. Suitable stable temperature

The primary condition for the success or failure of brooding is to give the chicks an appropriate temperature. The temperature must be kept stable and not fluctuate.

Winter brooding must adopt fully enclosed management. You can preheat the chicken house at 32-34°C 3 days in advance. Before the chickens enter the farm, the temperature of the chicken house should rise to about 35°C, and the temperature at 1 day old should be controlled at 36-37°C. Breeders should pay attention to that the temperature difference between the front, middle and back of the chicken house is not more than 2°C, and the temperature difference between the top and bottom is not more than 0.5°C. It is also necessary to carefully observe the behavior of the chicken to understand the hot and cold performance of the chicken. As the age of the chickens increases, the temperature in the house will drop steadily, and it will be lowered by about 2-3°C every week until the down feathers of the chicks are replaced by young feathers, and the temperature can drop to about 18°C.


2. The period of temperature removal is often the period when the chicks begin to moult. If the temperature is not properly removed, it will cause food stagnation, indigestion, stunted growth, a large number of chicks with poor physique, and in severe cases, it will cause a large number of deaths. During this period, pay attention to increasing nutrition and supplementing vitamins.

As the chick grows in age, the feed intake increases, the body weight increases, the body temperature regulation function gradually improves, the cold resistance is stronger, or the temperature during the brooding period is high, and the temperature required for brooding has been reached. temperature. So how much temperature is suitable for chicks? Chick dewarming steps?

What is the appropriate temperature for chicks?

De-warming or claiming de-warming refers to stopping the heat preservation so that the chicks can live under natural room temperature conditions. During the de-temperature period, spring chicks and winter chicks are generally 30-45 days old, and summer and autumn chicks are out of temperature earlier. It is necessary to be flexible about the period of temperature removal. For example, winter chicks are often at the age of de-warming, but the indoor and outdoor temperatures are low, the temperature difference between day and night is large, or the chicks are weak and sick, and the de-warming should be delayed.

The de-heating work should be planned and carried out gradually. At the beginning, the temperature will be stopped during the day, and the temperature will still be supplied at night, or the temperature will be stopped when the temperature is suitable, and the temperature will be supplied when the temperature is low. After about 1 week, when the chicks have become accustomed to the natural temperature, it will be completely stopped heating.

It is often encountered in the practice of raising chickens, especially for winter chicks. Shortly after the temperature is removed, the climate is attacked by cold air, and proper heating is still required at this time. Therefore, when the chicks are out of temperature, it is still necessary to pay attention to the changes in the weather and the activity status of the chicks, and take corresponding measures to prevent losses due to temperature fluctuations.

Chick dewarming steps?

Prepare a brooding room with good heat preservation, use a heating stove to control the overall temperature, test the temperature before entering the chicks, check the heating equipment and whether the temperature meets the requirements, and brood at a room temperature of 30-35°C; after the chicks hatch, the room temperature can be reached without heating The temperature can be removed above 18°C; if the temperature does not reach 18°C or the temperature difference between day and night is large, the heating time can be extended; when the chicks get used to the natural temperature, the heating can be completely stopped.


3. Pay attention to observe the daily observation of the anti-clustering breeder is one of the key measures to raise the chicks and the survival rate of the chicks. In the early winter season, it is especially necessary to observe the cold and heat of the chicken flocks to prevent them from getting together.

Heaping is a phenomenon in which chicks are tightly packed together due to cold, sometimes up to five or six layers, with a radius of tens of centimeters. This is a common phenomenon in brooding.

When the chicks are piled together, due to normal metabolic heat production, the chicks cannot be expelled. The chicks are easily overheated and humid, and there is a lack of air in the pile, which will cause the chicks to sweat, catch a cold, have difficulty breathing, and even faint. In severe cases, they will die in large numbers. When you find that you are getting together, you should promptly disperse the chicks with your hands or shouting. At this time, it is necessary to increase the brooding temperature in time to block the air vents in the hall.


4. Combination of heat preservation and ventilation Under the premise of sufficient oxygen in the chicken house and no dirty air, try to keep the temperature in the house within the optimum temperature range for the chicks, and ensure the uniformity and temperature of the front, middle and rear temperatures in the house. Minimize the magnitude of variation.

On the premise of keeping the air in the house fresh and supplying the minimum amount of ventilation, reduce the amount of exhaust air as much as possible to reduce the heat loss in the house. However, in winter, the chicken house is tightly sealed, and a large amount of harmful gases are produced in the chicken house. For example, neglecting ventilation can induce chronic respiratory diseases, infectious bronchitis, infectious laryngitis, infectious rhinitis, E. coli, etc. in chickens. Therefore, in winter, heat preservation and ventilation are equally important. Some charcoal can be properly placed in the house to absorb harmful gases.

When the temperature outside the house drops below -5°C, the ventilation of the chicken house should be based on ventilation, with the minimum amount of ventilation, and it is advisable not to be stuffy inside the house. Every day, small windows should be properly opened to ventilate or fans should be installed to exhaust the air. However, it is necessary to prevent drafts, hang curtains on the front and rear doors, and wrap the unused fans with plastic cloth or hang cotton curtains, especially after cleaning the manure ditch at the back of the chicken house To block the feces.


5. Environmental disinfection should be done well. Winter temperature and humidity are low, which is the popular season of respiratory infectious diseases. Therefore, environmental disinfection, disinfection of drinking water pipes, and disinfection of utensils are all very necessary. The closed chicken house insists on disinfecting the chickens every day, sprinkling quicklime on the ground for disinfection, spraying caustic soda outside the house for regular disinfection, changing the filter element once a week, and disinfecting the drinking water pipe at least once a month.


To sum up, to do a good job in brooding management in winter, we should start with various details and implement various measures in place to ensure the health of chicks, lay the foundation for high and stable production, and maximize profits.

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