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Analysis of the nipple drinking water problem of 1-day-old egg chicks: There are five prerequisites for direct nipple drinking

Views: 8569     Author: phoenix     Publish Time: 2023-04-21      Origin: Phoenix Breeding Equipment

First of all, it is necessary to understand the significance of the first drink of the chicks at the age of one day: the first drinking of the chicks at the age of one day is called the first drink. Chicks that have been transported long distances after hatching consume a lot of water in their bodies, so they should drink water before eating. This can promote intestinal peristalsis, absorb residual egg yolk, eliminate meconium, the increase appetite, reduce stress and infection, replenish water and restore physical strength. Insufficient drinking water for chicks in the first 3 days, especially the lack of drinking water for chicks on the first day, can easily cause dehydration and death or delay the feed intake within 3-5 days,resulting in a decrease in the uniformity of large flocks and delaying the growth performance. It can be seen that chicks the importance of drinking water at 1 day old.

There are some large-scale professional brooding companies or large-scale commercial layer hen breeding companies. During the brooding process, due to the large number of brooding in a single batch, during the first 7 days of manual watering with a small kettle, add water every 2 hours. One-time water, the workload of the breeders is heavy, the drinking time of the drinking fountain is a little longer,  water quality is not easy to control, and cleaning is troublesome. Many of them try to drink directly from the nipple at the age of 1 day. There is success cases and failure cases, and there are many problems.

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There are five major prerequisites for drinking directly from the nipple at the age of 1 day:

First: Chicks should be strong and uniform. Breeding chickens are generally 200-300 days old when they breed eggs. Breeding chickens at this age are equivalent to the prime of a person, and they are relatively stable in all aspects. Breeding eggs hatch chicks within this range. Generally, the quality is relatively stable, the chicks are strong, and the nipples are strong.

Small eggs just hatched, the chicks are small, there may be certain small or weak chickens, direct use of nipples may cause the chicks to find no nipples or not enough force, so that they cannot drink water or drink less water. Feed intake is delayed, and dehydration occurs after 3 days, resulting in high death escapes in the early stage and poor uniformity of large groups;

When the eggs are hatched over 350 days old, the chicks are generally too big and soft to grasp, the chicks struggle less, and encounter some other stresses, which may cause the chicks to not move their nipples, drink water or drink less water , delayed feeding, dehydration occurred after 3 days, and the early death rate was high, and the uniformity of large groups was poor.

Second: avoid stress: mainly high temperature stress, especially in summer, the temperature is difficult to lower in some poor-condition chick transport vehicles, long-distance transportation, long-distance transportation, and after being delivered to the chicken coop, some chicken coops if the temperature is too high, the dehydration of the chicks will be accelerated, the physical exertion will be great, and the nipples will not be able to grip, or the nipples will not be able to drink water, or the drinking water will be too small, which will delay the feed intake, resulting in dehydration and dead chickens after 3 days. Decline, so pay attention to stress and avoid such problems.

Third: It is not suitable for chicks after 1-day-old beak trimming: At present, more and more breeder companies have begun to use 1-day-old beak trimming, which brings convenience and at the same time, chicks may have some impact on nipples. Traditional nipples it has a great impact on it, leading to dare not to scratch the nipples or the number of times to scratch the nipples less, resulting in no water or insufficient drinking water, affecting the food intake, resulting in dehydration after 3 days, high death escape, and affecting the uniformity of large groups.

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Fourth: Use a professional matching nipple drinker for chicks: the height of the nipple can be adjusted, and the water pressure can also be adjusted to the minimum. Slowly adjust the pressure and height as the age increases. Adjust the nipple drinking water system in 0-3 days, so that a little water drop hangs on the nipple to help the chicks find drinking water. Splashing the water in the water cup is very useful during brooding and hot weather brooding, 360° nipple drinker can help chicks drink water more conveniently, 360° teat drinkers are essential for chicks undergoing beak trimming in the hatchery.


0-3 days need to manually fill the water cup to train the chicks to drink water. Open drinking fountains (bells, plungers, cups, and sinks) are prone to contamination and require daily cleaning.


Fifth: Pay attention to the cleaning of the water line every day. The temperature in the brooding house is generally high. Some friends like to use multidimensional, glucose, and opening drugs to drink water during the brooding process. Pay attention to flushing the pipeline and nipples, and keep the drinking water clean and hygienic.

Special drinking cup for chicks, suitable for 0-4 week old chicks, completely replaces the water hyacinth, and solves human labor.

Since the automatic drinking  bowl for chicks was launched, many customers have consulted and purchased it. Customers have consistently reported that it is easy to use, easy to disassemble and assemble, and the effect of using chickens is good. The little invention really solved the big problem of chicks drinking water. Special drinking cup for chicks, suitable for 0-4 week old chicks, completely replaces the water hyacinth, and solves human labor.

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Chicks who have just entered the chicken house need to be hydrated in time, and drinking water is very important for chicks. Traditional vacuum drinking fountains are prone to spillage, pollute the environment, and cause cross-infection of chickens. The overturning of the vacuum drinking fountain will also cause water shortage. The breeder needs to observe frequently and add water in time, which will increase the labor intensity of the breeder. The nipple drinker requires a certain period of adaptation for the chicks, and the automatic drinking bowl for the chicks solves the above problems well.


1. It can be used in conjunction with existing cone valves and ball valve drinking fountains (round pipes and square pipes);

2. It is easy to install and disassemble, and the normal use of the original drinkers will not be affected after disassembly; it can be reused many times.

3. The control part uses military-grade high-quality springs with high sensitivity and precise water level control without water shortage or overflow.

4. Compared with the use of vacuum drinking fountains for chicks, it saves time and effort. It is convenient for storage and does not take up storage space.

5. It is fixed on the waterline, and it should not be thrown due to collision. At the same time, it can effectively reduce the pollution of chickens to drinking water and reduce the incidence of diseases.

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logoPhoenix Breeding Equipment Co., Ltd is a professional manufacturer and exporter that is concerned with the design, development and production of livestock breeding equipment. which can provide all kinds of poultry farm equipment, such as automatic feeding and drinking linepoultry nipple drinker, rabbit nipple drinker, poultry feederpoultry drinkierventilation fanCooling pad , egg incubator,pvc pipe ,ss pipe etc. Check out our site to find the latest in poultry equipment. We hope you’ll fine the right products for you,, and how it allows you to scale up to the next level when you’re ready.

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