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02 - 22
All You Need To Know about Chicken Water Nipples drinkers
Chicken drinking nipples are a fairly recent innovation in the backyard poultry world although the commercial industry has been using them for several years.In fact, regular nipple drinkers have not been used in the commercial poultry field for years.Chicken nipples drinker are a handy little device
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02 - 20
In a closed chicken shed, how to use the cooling pads to cool down in summer?
Summer is here, and as the outside temperature gradually rises, the layer husbandry house can no longer achieve effective cooling only by relying on the longitudinal ventilation system. The high temperature in the house can easily lead to a decrease in the egg production rate of the flock, a reducti
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02 - 17
What are the precautions when using the incubator?
The egg incubator refers to the equipment for artificially incubating poultry eggs.An incubator, in microbiology, is an insulated and enclosed device that provides an optimal condition of temperature, humidity, and other environmental conditions required for the growth of organisms.It is a machine t
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02 - 16
What is the meaning of poultry equipment?
Poultry equipment are materials used in the poultry to raise poultry birds. E.g. drinkers, feeders etc. We will go through their various types and uses. Poultry production in a simple term means rearing of domesticated birds, like ducks, broilers, pullets, quails, turkeys etc. and its production for
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02 - 14
What is automated feeding system for poultry?
With the increasing development of science and technology, the animal husbandry has quickly entered a modern, intensive, and automated aquaculture method. At present, domestic breeding can be roughly divided into two types, one is free-range breeding by small farmers, and the other is intensive and
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02 - 10
How to build a modern chicken coop?
1. Modern chicken farm designThe construction of standardized livestock and poultry farms can adapt to the requirements of agricultural industrialization, improve the quality and efficiency of agriculture and rural economy, and establish a timely supporting processing industry, so as to form a one-s
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02 - 09
What is the most used equipment on a poultry farm?
Many people are confused about how to start a poultry farm cos they don’t know what they will need to put in place to start this business.If you are starting a poultry business, there are different equipment that will be required to start your journey to becoming a successful poultry farmer. Depend
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02 - 07
Chicken raising equipment for large-scale chicken farms
1.Brooding equipmentBrooding is divided into two phases:The first stage, 0-7 days, the chicks will stay in the incubator for constant temperature protection from the time they are still in the egg state to 7 days after the shell is broken.In the second stage, 7-14 days, the chicks will come out of t
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02 - 03
What are the equipment used in laying hen?
Trying to get into poultry farming? Wondering what your options are for equipment? Need to know what equipment in poultry production is eential, and what is optional? We answer these questions and more in today’s blog post. Poultry farming is becoming more and more automated and efficient nowadays,
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02 - 02
How to choose Equipments for your First Chickens?
Choosing equipment for chickens from the vast variety of accessories can be difficult, but here, Phoenix Breeding Equipment lists the items you will need to get started on your chicken-keeping journey. How Big Does the Coop Need to Be? The usual recommendation for a chicken coop size is 3 to 4 squar
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Cangzhou Phoenix Breeding Equipment Co., Ltd is a professional manufacturer and exporter that is concerned with the design, development and production of livestock breeding equipment.


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