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How to reduce the cost of raising chickens?

Views: 89224     Author: Phoenix     Publish Time: 2022-09-29      Origin: Cangzhou Phoenix Breeding Equipment Co., Ltd

If you want to reduce the cost of raising chickens, you need to breed them on a large scale, formulate feed scientifically, and use appropriate feed troughs to reduce feed waste. In the modern breeding industry, the cost of feed has always accounted for the bulk of its proportion, about 60% of the total cost, which is not a small amount. Therefore, we can establish a sound epidemic prevention system, increase automated breeding equipment, and reduce labor. Today, we will discuss together how to avoid waste of breeding costs.



  1. Reasons for the waste of feed


(1). Direct waste.

 The direct waste caused by unscientific feed management in chicken farms generally accounts for 5% to 15% of the annual feed consumption. Among them, the unreasonable structure of the feed supply equipment, improper placement or overfilling waste 2% to 6%, 0.5% waste due to flying due to too thin feed, 1% waste due to pheasant and rat damage, 0.5% waste by throwing, uncut or broken beaks Improper beak waste 3%.


(2). Indirect waste.

Indirect waste due to low feed efficiency accounts for 11% to 22% of the total feed volume. Among them, the environmental temperature is too low to waste 4% to 6%, the waste of incomplete feathers is 2% to 6%, the waste of excessive feeding is 3% to 5%, and the waste caused by parasites and diseases accounts for 2% to 7%. To save feed and reduce costs in production, we should pay more attention to the indirect waste of feed. Because such waste is not easy to detect in the short term.


  1. Ways to save feed


(1). Choose high-quality chickens. In addition to the advantages of high production performance, fast growth rate or more egg production, large eggs and strong disease resistance, excellent breed chickens also have a high utilization rate of feed. Chickens of the same age and the same feeding environment consume exactly the same feed, and the production performance of excellent breeds is much higher than that of other breeds of chickens. Under the same feeding conditions, the egg production of high-yielding laying hens can be increased by 20% to 30% than that of ordinary laying hens. Raising high-performance chicken breeds is an effective way to reduce feed costs.


(2)Cut off the beak in time.

The beak of the chicken is easy to hook and throw the feed, resulting in waste of feed. Chicks are generally trimmed at 6 to 9 days of age and trimmed at 12 to 16 weeks of age. Beak cutting can not only effectively reduce feed waste, but also prevent the occurrence of chicken pecking.


  1. Choose a suitable feed equipment.


Feed is divided into three types according to shape: powder, granular and granular. The pellets have good palatability and are easy to eat. Chickens can eat completely and prevent waste, especially suitable for feeding broiler chickens. If there is no sand and gravel in the feed for online flat-raised, rack-raised and cage-raised chickens, and if the feed is not regularly supplemented, the digestibility of the feed will be reduced by 3% to 10%. Therefore, it should be supplemented with sand and gravel regularly. Single feeding or adding 454g to every 50kg of feed can help the chicken stomach to mechanically grind the feed, make the feed easier to digest and absorb, and improve the utilization rate. The powder should be prevented from being too fine, which is not only unpalatable, but also easy to scatter and cause losses. If the chicken is fed with wet mix, it should be mixed and fed immediately, otherwise it is easy to become rancid in summer and easy to freeze in winter. When adding green feed to the feed, it should be cut short and chopped, so as not to waste the feed adhering to the green feed when chickens are picky eaters.


  1. The tray structure and placement height should be reasonable. Unreasonable feeding pan structure and placement height waste up to 15% of the feed, so it is very important to choose a feeding pan of appropriate size. Eat the feed, and not throw the feed out of the trough because of the picky eater. If the feeding pan is too small, too shallow or placed too low, the chickens will easily dig the feed out of the trough, and if it is too large, too deep or placed too high, it will affect the feeding and growth of the chickens. Therefore, the appropriate feeder should be selected according to the age of the chicken and the height should be adjusted at any time.


  1. The influence of drinking water device.


Using a nipple drinker can save 2-3g of feed per chicken per day compared to a tank


The water nipple drinker can make the water output of the chickens per peck is 0.2 ml. This water output is especially suitable for chicks to drink water and avoid water waste. Every touch around the valve stem can produce water at 360 degrees, allowing the chicken farm to drink water. Time-saving, efficient and safe.


  1. Adjust the feeding method and change the feeding method.

 poultry feeder line

When feeding, do not add too much feed to the  feed pan at one time. When feeding, follow the principles of adding less and more frequently, regularly and quantitatively, feeding in batches, and leaving no material left in the pan after eating. The amount of feeding at one time should not exceed 1/3 of the depth of the Feeding pan is appropriate. Change from flat to cage, cage chickens have less activity than flat chickens, less maintenance needs, and less food to eat. Because the feeding pan is outside the cage, it is not easy for the chickens to trample on the feed when they eat.



7.Master the amount of ration.


Chickens of different breeds and uses use different feeding methods, that is, ad libitum or restricted feeding; chickens of different ages use different rations, and adjust in time with reference to body weight standards or egg production rates . Broiler chickens are mostly fed ad libitum, and egg chickens and breeders are mostly fed with restricted feeding from the breeding period, that is, limited quality or limited feeding. By restricting feeding, about 10% of the feed can be saved, and the chicken body can be prevented from being overweight and overweight. , affecting future egg production.


8.Control rodents and prevent wild birds.


Wild birds and rodents not only consume feed and cause waste, but also release heat and excrete feces, resulting in local heating of the feed, increased humidity, caking and moldy feed, and the spread of various diseases.


9.Eliminate sick or low-yielding chickens.


 If there are roosters in the laying hen group, it will consume more feed and increase production costs, so it should be eliminated in time;


10 . Improvement measures


The first is to improve the hardware. Modern automatic breeding equipment can be used to ensure the rational use of feed, such as heating equipment, ventilation equipment, water supply equipment, feeding equipment, egg collection equipment, manure cleaning equipment, cages, lighting equipment, etc. Wait. Automated poultry feeding equipment can automatically feed, automatically drink water, clean manure, cool down with wet curtains, centrally manage internal management, automatic control, save energy consumption, reduce artificial feeding costs, and greatly improve the breeding efficiency of farmers. 


The second is from the management. Work hard to ensure that there is no human waste, and doing the above should help to improve economic income.

Cangzhou Phoenix Breeding Equipment Co., Ltd. is a professional manufacture of drinking systems for poultry and livestock. Our factory was established in 2000, located in Cuizhuang Industry District, Cangzhou city. The main products include all kinds of Nozzle Drinker, Water Pressure Regulator, Filter, Drinking Bowl and other components of the drinking system. We have worked in this field for more than 14 years and never stopped to improve our technology, management and service. We have high-level technology team who have rich professional knowledge and have done excellent work on the Research & Development job. Our products have been sold to 28 provinces in China and more than 18 countries and areas all over the world.


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  Cuizhuang, Litianmu, Cangxian district, Cangzhou City, Hebei Province, CHINA
Cangzhou Phoenix Breeding Equipment Co., Ltd is a professional manufacturer and exporter that is concerned with the design, development and production of livestock breeding equipment.


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