You must pay attention to these chicken raising issues in early autumn! ! !

Publish Time: 2023-08-31     Origin: Phoenix Breeding Equipment

1. Always pay attention to the weight of laying hens

Autumn can generally be divided into two stages: early autumn and late autumn. In early autumn, the temperature difference is not big and the humidity is relatively high. At this stage, the laying hens mainly focus on restoring feed intake and physical fitness.

Since the high temperature in summer causes the weight, physique, immunity, and antibodies of chickens to decrease, autumn feeding management mainly increases feed intake and appropriately adjusts nutritional formulas according to body weight to make up for the weight loss caused in summer.

The production cycle of a laying hen lasts for nearly 550 days, and the weight of laying hens is always in a rising period. Especially from 18 weeks to 30 weeks, the weight of laying hens is in a period of rapid growth. Once the weight gain is small, or even no weight gain or weight loss, the egg production performance will definitely decline. As a result, the genetic potential of chickens cannot be fully utilized.

Recommendation: During the laying period, the weight of the chickens must be randomly checked every two weeks, and the feeding amount should be adjusted according to the target weight of the corresponding breed of laying hens. For chickens that lose more weight, you can use the method of adding light for 1 hour at night to increase feed intake.

As the daylight hours become shorter in autumn, whether the feed intake can meet the needs of brooding and adult chickens, the feed amount and feed formula can be appropriately adjusted according to the weekly weight gain.

In principle, the feed formula is adjusted according to the weight of the chicken. If the weight does not reach the standard, the original high-nutrition formula will be maintained. Until the weight reaches the standard, the next corresponding feed formula will be adjusted.

2. Always pay attention to intestinal health

The humidity in early autumn is high, and chickens have more intestinal diseases. Adding beneficial intestinal flora to the feed can improve the intestinal environment and reduce the damage to the intestinal mucosa of pathogenic groups, thereby improving the digestion and absorption of feed, and ultimately improving breeding efficiency.

3. Pay attention to antibody loss

Chickens lose nutrients after high temperature stress, and their antibodies drop quickly. In order to ensure that the chickens can produce healthily and stably, it is best to conduct antibody testing.

For immunosuppressive diseases such as Newcastle disease and influenza, it is necessary to detect antibody titers and adjust immunization procedures and methods in a timely manner so that the humoral immunity and cellular immunity of the chickens are in a good state.

The critical protective value of antibodies against Newcastle disease and influenza H9 is around 9 titers, the range is less than or equal to 3, and the dispersion is around 10%, which is considered qualified.

Do a good job of environmental hygiene before immunization to better prevent diseases. The best effect is to prevent diseases when the chickens are in the healthiest state. The best way to prevent Newcastle disease live vaccine is by intranasal instillation or eye drops.

4. Prevention and control of mosquito-borne diseases

In early autumn, when mosquitoes and midges breed, and chicken blood parasites and fowl pox are most likely to occur, attention should be paid to chicken farm sewage treatment to remove mosquito and midge breeding grounds to reduce their harm. Mosquito fumigants can be ignited in the chicken coop to kill mosquitoes.

5. Control lighting

In autumn, the daylight hours are short. For open chicken houses, pay attention to supplementing the light time and light intensity. The time and intensity of light stimulate the secretion of estrogen in hens, thereby affecting egg production in chickens.

6. Prevent and control the occurrence of respiratory diseases

Late autumn is a period of high incidence of respiratory diseases. Poor environment, large temperature differences, poor management, infrequent disinfection, and mixed infections of multiple viral and bacterial diseases can easily induce respiratory diseases, which are difficult to cure.

It is recommended that everyone make improvements in the following aspects to reduce the incidence of respiratory diseases.

1. Reduce temperature difference and reduce cold stress. In the initial ventilation, we can use temperature control to change the air quality of the chicken house. If the temperature difference is large at night, we can use time periods to control the fan and provide ventilation to reduce dust and harmful gases in the chicken house.

2. Appropriate addition of reliable quality microecology to feed reduces intestinal diseases, increases feed digestibility, reduces undigested protein feed and shed intestinal mucosa in feces, and reduces the sources of ammonia and hydrogen sulfide gas.

3. Take preventive measures against Newcastle disease, influenza, rhinitis, mycoplasma and other vaccines.

4. Combined with antibody testing for general viral respiratory diseases, adjust the epidemic prevention procedures, and do two immunizations for rhinitis before giving birth to generate sufficient immunity.

It is best to treat frequent rhinitis with antiviral drugs (rhinitis can easily cause sinus inflammation, making chickens susceptible to Newcastle disease virus).

7. Other matters needing attention

1. It is best to store newly harvested corn for more than a month before using it, because new corn has a post-harvest maturity period to prevent chickens from diarrhea.

2. There are many farmers who catch chicks in autumn, so they should pay attention to preventing diseases such as gland gastritis and mucosal fowl pox in chicks.

If you are infected with mucosal fowlpox, especially if the conjunctiva is infected with fowlpox virus, if it is not treated in time, yellow cheese will be produced in the eyes, causing the chicken to become blind.

If the density of the chicken house is high, the harm caused by mixed mycoplasma will be more serious.

Autumn is a better season for raising laying hens. Everyone must pay attention to the details of breeding, so as to improve the economic benefits of the chicken farm.


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