How to raise chickens in summer? Breeding methods for broilers in summer

Publish Time: 2023-04-12     Origin: Phoenix Breeding Equipment

Summer is a season of high temperature for us, and of course it is also for chickens. There are no sweat glands on the chicken body, and the feathers on the body have a good heat insulation effect. In addition, its body temperature is as high as 41-42 degrees. Affected by high temperature weather, chickens in summer often show loss of appetite and a sharp reduction in food intake. Some chickens tend to be extremely emaciated after spending a summer. This is very troublesome for chicken farmers. Therefore, when raising chickens in summer, it is necessary to master the correct feeding skills, increase the feed intake of chickens, and do a good job in the prevention and treatment of corresponding diseases. Therefore, heat stroke is very prone to occur during high temperature in summer, which brings a lot of troubles to farmers. So how to prevent heatstroke in raising chickens in summer? Let's find out together.

1. Strengthen feeding management

1.1 Cooling the chicken coop

First of all, it is necessary to ensure that the chicken house is well ventilated and strengthen ventilation. Good ventilation will reduce the temperature of the chicken house and directly take away the heat of the chicken body. It can be said to be the most effective cooling measure. Specific measures include removing plastic films, etc. Various methods to increase ventilation and open all doors, windows and skylights as much as possible to enhance ventilation. When the temperature in the house rises to about 28 degrees, the ventilation fan equipment should be turned on. Covering the chicken shed with a sunshade net or spraying water equipment can effectively reduce the direct sunlight on the chicken shed. It is also possible to plant plants outside the shed or build a fence to reduce direct sunlight and lower the temperature.

In summer, the stocking density should be adjusted reasonably according to the variety and the conditions of the chicken house, the greening of the sports field, etc., and the stocking density of the chickens should be strictly controlled according to the size of the chickens. In addition, the expansion time in summer should be adjusted according to the temperature, which can be faster and wider than other seasons. Sometimes the chickens in the house can be led out of the house to reduce the density in the house.

The house temperature is 1~4℃ higher than the set temperature, consider strengthening the ventilation, and use the air cooling effect to cool down,If the house temperature is higher than 5°C, consider using cooling pads to cool down. At the beginning, use a cooling pad and a small window for mixed ventilation, and gradually transition to only use cooling pad to cool down; step by step, gradient cooling, to avoid cooling too fast, and the chickens catch a cold. Wet curtain water is supplied intermittently, so that the water curtain is always in a cycle of gradually drying and gradually wetting, so as to achieve the best effect of water vapor evaporating from the surface of the water curtain paper.

At high temperature and high humidity, the cooling effect of the cooling pad is not good. At the same time, the humidity in the shed increases, and the temperature of the chicken group does not drop but increases. At this time, the water of the cooling pad should be turned off, and the ventilation should be increased simply to use the air cooling effect to cool down.

When the cooling pad cannot lower the temperature and the chickens still feel hot, you can consider spraying the chickens to cool down the temperature, but you must open the air inlets such as the front doors and windows of the shed to keep the air circulating. Otherwise, the humidity in the chicken house will be saturated and the chickens will be easily affected. suffocate death.

The length of the ventilated chicken house should not be too long, and the length and width should be corresponding. The narrow and long space is not easy to ventilate. It is inconvenient for the chickens to enter and exit, and it is easy to be crowded and stampede. More windows can be fully ventilated at any time. It is best to install a ventilation fan, which will not change the indoor temperature much, but it can also replace the air. Both ends of the house should be the main ventilation channels.

1.2 Adjust feeding and water supply methods

You can use a combination of feeding in the house and on the playground, choose to feed when the temperature is low every day, including feeding at night; feed more wet material and less feed frequently; add appropriate amount of raw garlic to the feed to increase the feed intake of the chickens quantity. Strengthen litter management. The thickness of the litter should be about 2-3 cm. The litter should be changed frequently to avoid compaction. The litter can gradually become thinner as the chicken grows. In summer, big chickens move less, and some plastic water basins can be added to ensure drinking water. Pay attention to avoid the water temperature being too high after the water pipe is exposed to the sun and the chickens are unwilling to drink water, which will eventually lead to water shortage for the chickens. Effective measures should be taken to ensure that the chickens are supplied with enough cool drinking water. In addition, try to avoid adding medicines with peculiar smells to the drinking water Also do not dosing at noon, because this will reduce the water intake of the flock. Breeders should often walk around in the house and urge the chickens to stand up so that they can dissipate body heat.

In terms of drinking water, try to use automatic drinking bucket, or drinking bucket with plastic covers, such as drinking fountains with plastic covers, it is best to hang them up, so that the chickens can drink water to ensure that the chickens have sufficient and clean drinking water. Do not use plastic basins to hold water, because of the wide-mouth design, dust and pathogens can easily pollute the water source. Feed troughs, water tanks, and sinks should be washed frequently, and the water should be changed frequently to avoid the breeding of bacteria.

If the weather is hot, it can be fed in the morning and evening when it is cool, which can increase the feed intake of chickens. Wet feed can be used at noon, and the ratio of feed to water is preferably 1:0.5~2. The degree of opening is better. Because feeding dry feed in the morning and feeding wet feed at noon can stimulate the chickens to eat more. This combination of dry and wet can make the chickens eat enough, secrete more digestive juices, and digest and absorb the feed well.

1.3 Reasonably adjust the diet structure

Studies have shown that when the house temperature is greater than 25 degrees, every time the house temperature is increased by 1 degree, the feed intake of chickens will decrease by about 1%, and the feed utilization rate will also decrease. Therefore, the nutrition and composition of the diet should be reasonably adjusted to maintain a high nutritional level in the diet to compensate for the impact of insufficient nutrient intake due to the decrease in chicken feed intake due to high temperature. The protein level can be increased by 5% to 10% in the diet, and oil can be added to ensure energy supply. Adding multivitamins to the feed can increase the feed intake of chickens. At noon, you can feed some green and juicy feed, vegetables, melon and fruit peels, etc., which can relieve heat and cool down, which is very beneficial to the growth of chickens. In addition, chickens eat powdered feeds at a slower rate and eat pelleted feeds at a relatively faster rate and more. Therefore, feeding broilers with pellet feed can properly compensate for the lack of feed intake caused by decreased appetite. It is worth noting that the feed is prone to mildew in summer, and the management of the feed should be strengthened.

2. Improve the environment inside and outside the chicken house

2.1 Strengthen the insulation of the roof of the chicken house and the ventilation in the house

The key to raising broilers in summer is to do a good job of heatstroke prevention and cooling. The chicken house should be ventilated as much as possible. The doors and windows that can be opened can all be opened. If conditions permit, the top of the chicken house can be covered with thatch. The room temperature should be kept below 28 degrees, which is more conducive to the growth of chickens. 

Strengthening the heat insulation of the roof of the chicken house and the ventilation in the house can increase the heat insulation effect and reduce the temperature in the chicken house. Every morning and noon, use groundwater to spray the tile surface, asbestos tile surface and other solid chicken house roofs to reduce the temperature of the tile surface and the house. Be careful to spray water before the tiles and walls are hot and must be sprayed wet and thoroughly. Multiple electric fans can be installed in the chicken house to ensure that the wind can blow all over every corner. It is necessary to ensure that the ventilation area avoids dead angles that cannot be blown by the wind. 

2.2 Do a good job of greening and shading. 

You can plant climbing plants in thechicken farm. Plant some loofahs, pumpkins, morning glory creepers, etc. next to the chicken house in advance. internal temperature. In addition, planting trees and fruit trees around the chicken coop also has a good effect of shading and avoiding heat. When there are few trees, a pergola can be built artificially. At the same time, the water storage tank and exposed water pipes should be shaded. In order to avoid high water temperature in the storage tank, cool groundwater should be pumped frequently. It is best to bury the water pipes in the ground, or cover the water to prevent the water temperature from being too high.

3. Reasonable addition of anti-heat stress drugs

Stress factors such as high-density feeding and noise have a greater impact on broiler growth in summer, so more attention should be paid to reducing and avoiding the occurrence of these stress factors in summer. Adding appropriate amount of baking soda and electrolytic multidimensional to drinking water or feed can effectively relieve heat stress. Many studies have shown that chickens consume more VC when their body dissipates body heat under heat stress. In addition, VE and some traditional Chinese medicine additives can be supplemented,such as Huangmao mint, borneol and so on.

The above is some knowledge content that needs to be paid attention to in raising chickens in summer. For chicken farmers, raising chickens in summer is a very challenging season. If you happen to be raising chickens in summer, it is best to pay more attention to feed, drinking water, and diseases, which are very important for raising chickens.

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Phoenix Breeding Equipment Co., Ltd is a professional manufacturer and exporter that is concerned with the design, development and production of livestock breeding equipment. which can provide all kinds of poultry farm equipment, such as automatic feeding and drinking linepoultry nipple drinker, rabbit nipple drinker, poultry feederpoultry drinkierventilation fanCooling pad , egg incubator,pvc pipe ,ss pipe etc. Check out our site to find the latest in poultry equipment. We hope you’ll fine the right products for you,, and how it allows you to scale up to the next level when you’re ready.

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