Feeding And Management Of Broilers In Cages

Publish Time: 2023-03-27     Origin: Phoenix Poultry Breeding Equipment

First, crucial first day

We all know that the slaughter weight of a batch of chickens is positively correlated with the 7-day-old weight of this batch of chickens, and personally think that the factor that determines the 7-day-old weight is not only the birth weight of chicks, but the other most important factor is the weight of the first day. Management, the same can be said: the first day is critical to a chicken's life.

1. Temperature management: After the chickens are put into the house, the temperature should be raised in time according to the performance of the chickens, because the first thing after the chickens are put into the cage is to drink water. After drinking water, some chickens often show the phenomenon of clustering, so adjust the temperature in time , Let the chicken adapt slowly.

Please remember, as long as the chickens get together, it means that our temperature (or the chicken's body temperature, sometimes our humidity is not added, causing the body temperature to not rise) is not enough, we must continue to heat (or humidify), Until the chicks snuggle loosely (not as loosely as the big chickens lie down), the temperature is right.

If the temperature on the first day cannot be reached, the chickens will not eat, drink or move because they are afraid of the cold, which will directly affect the 24-hour satiety rate of the chickens, which in turn will affect the uniformity of the chicks and the weight of the 7-day-old chickens.

2. Water line: The water line is adjusted so that the bottom of the chicken drinking cup is 1 to 1 and a half fingers away from the ground. When the chicks drink water at this height, the angle between the neck and the waterline is about 45 degrees, which can meet the drinking needs of the chicks.

After the chicks start to drink water, use a flashlight to check the water situation of each chicken drinking nipple one by one: as long as there are water drops in the chicken drinking cup, it means that the chicken drinking nipple water is normal. If the chicken drinking cup is dry, it means that there is something wrong with the chicken drinking nipple.

What needs to be said is that we need to pay more attention to the water line when raising chickens in cages, because in cage farming and ground farming, if one nipple is blocked, the chicken can go to the other nipple to drink, and if one water line is blocked, the chicken can go to anotherwater line go to drink; but as long as the nipples in the cage are blocked, the chickens in the cage will lack water.

3. Feed intake management: You can use a small bucket to assist feeding, or you can directly use a feeding trough to start feeding. Use a small feed bucket to start eating. The small feed bucket can be removed and transitioned to the feed trough after about 3 days of use. Excessive use will increase labor intensity and cause chickens to rely on the feed bucket.

The feeding trough can properly increase the thickness of the first feed to attract the chickens to probe out to eat and reduce the difficulty of feeding. If you are worried that the chicks are too weak, it is recommended to use the feeding bucket to assist in feeding.

Regularly check whether the reduction of material in the material barrel (feed tank) is normal. If it is found that the material is not normal, it means that there are problems in some aspects, such as water line problems, temperature problems, etc. The 24-hour satiety rate should be above 99%, which means that basically all the chickens have drunk water and eaten food.

4. The problem of chicken bathing: some chickens are transported for too long or the temperature is not adjusted properly, which will cause chicken bathing. After the chickens are found to be bathed, they should be immediately separated from the nipples to prevent them from continuing to pile up under the nipples. If the bathing is serious Pack it out in a cardboard box, put it on the radiator to dry the feathers, and then put them into the chicken coop.

5Use the feeding trough to feed, and the baffle plate should be adjusted properly. Generally, a gap of 2 cm is enough. If the chicks escape from the cage, catch them back tothe cage in time to prevent them from dehydrating outside.

6. On the first day, we must arrange work and prepare for staying up late. Don’t be too tired to cause water shortage and material shortage or even the boiler to go out of temperature. The easily damaged hardware such as circulation pump, temperature probe, environmental controller motherboard, etc. is a chicken farm. At least one more set should be purchased in case of emergency.

Second, 2-6 days of management

After thebroiler drinks the first sip of water and feed in time, it will have a conditioned reflex to drinking water and feed, so there is no need to worry about it not being able to drink water and feed. We usually add the feed in time for the first 10 days , don't control the material.

In 2-6 days, the chicks will experience the first ventilation and the decrease of indoor humidity. I personally think that the first ventilation is still a challenge for the chicks, so let’s talk about the first ventilation first.

1.First ventilation:

1)The first ventilation time: for closed chicken houses, the time for the first ventilation in spring and autumn is generally on the third day of age. In winter, the first ventilation time is controlled according to the environment inside the house and the outside temperature. The air humidity comes from free adjustment. If the humidity in the house exceeds 75% for a long time, you should consider ventilating as soon as possible, otherwise the water in the chicken manure will not evaporate in time, causing the chicken feathers to be soaked and stick to the body (as shown in the figure below), and also increase Risk of hyperthermia.

2)Ventilation: The first ventilation is just a preview of normal ventilation. To let the chicks get used to the air circulation, we can adopt mechanical ventilation or open small windows to ventilate naturally. For example, the first day of a cage with 20,000 chickens The time of using a 1.4-meter large fan can be set at 5 seconds every 300 seconds or a 1-meter fan is turned on for 10 seconds every 300 seconds. Here we have to consider the drop in body temperature. The amount of ventilation should be reduced (for example, at 32°C, the humidity drops by 20%, and the body temperature drops by about 3°C).

2.Feeder refueling tank

 1)When using the trough for the first time, we can appropriately increase the thickness of the feed and draw the feed to the side of the trough with chickens by hand, so that the chicks can eat easily

 2)Once the trough is used, the troughs that have been eaten must be withdrawn, otherwise some chickens will not look for food in the trough because they rely on the trough.

Put the leftovers to the side of the trough at regular intervals, so that the chickens can develop the habit of eating from an early age.

3. Waterline:

 1) On the third day, the height of the waterline can be adjusted according to the height of the chicks, and then adjusted every 2 days. The drinking water height of the chicks before 10 days should not be too high, and the angle between the neck and the waterline should be 45 degrees.

2)Rinse the water line once at the age of 6 days, and then rinse once every time you take a dose of medicine. Don't be lazy in management. A blocked water line is a headache.

4. Weak or disabled chickens should be picked out in time to prevent them from infecting other healthy chickens in the flock.

5. Temperature: Decrease by about 0.7 per day, and keep it at about 30.5 at the age of 6 days. Don’t be reluctant to lower the temperature. Excessively high temperature will affect the feed intake of the chickens, resulting in the body weight not reaching the standard at the age of 7 days.

Others: At the age of 3 days, observe the feces to prevent glandular gastritis in time. The onset of glandular gastritis in many areas is earlier than 7 days of age, so it should not be taken lightly.

Third. Problems to be paid attention to in cage drinking water immunity:


If we choose to inoculate the new branch with drinking water at the age of 7 days, we should pay attention to the following two points:

1.There is a drop in the water line, and the water line with a PVC water diversion pipe at the end should empty the water from the end when starting to control the water to control the same thirst of the chickens.

2. When starting to inject the vaccine, all the water line valves should be closed, and water should be injected from the far end of the water inlet, and gradually opened to the near end of the water inlet. In a row, the upper layer should be opened first, then the middle layer and then the lower layer, so as to ensure that each layer It can be injected with water, so as to ensure that the chickens are exposed to the vaccine in a short time as much as possible.

It is also a good way to turn off the lights in the chicken house first, then let the vaccine fill the water line and then turn on the lights, but pay attention to releasing the gas in the water line.

If you are looking for quality poultry equipment visit PHOENIX - they will cater to all your poultry farming needs.

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Cangzhou Phoenix Breeding Equipment Co., Ltd is a professional manufacturer and exporter that is concerned with the design, development and production of livestock breeding equipment. which can provide all kinds of poultry farm equipment, such as automatic feeding and drinking linepoultry nipple drinker, rabbit nipple drinker, poultry feederpoultry drinkierventilation fanCooling pad , egg incubator,pvc pipe ,ss pipe etc. Check out our site to find the latest in poultry equipment. We hope you’ll fine the right products for you,, and how it allows you to scale up to the next level when you’re ready.

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