These feeding and management techniques of poultry will help to increase the breeding income of farmers!

Publish Time: 2023-04-28     Origin: Phoenix Poultry Breeding Equipment

The scale development of poultry farming industry is getting higher and higher, and the scale also brings the requirements for standardization. In the process of standardized scale breeding, there are many technical issues that need to be paid attention to, such as temperature control, humidity control, ventilation control, breeding facilities and equipment use skills? The construction of a biosafety firewall and the prevention and control of diseases? Feeding and management issues under different farming models?

Temperature Control

Poultry has relatively strict temperature requirements, and farms (households) attach great importance to temperature control, and take various measures to reduce the temperature difference between the clean side of the house and the dirty side (up and down in cage mode).

The temperature control should be based on the actual body temperature felt by the chickens. Since the body temperature is affected by various factors such as wind speed and humidity, after the temperature control parameters are adjusted, the chickens should be observed in the chicken house for at least 1 hour to confirm the temperature adjustment. Is it appropriate.

house with evenly distributed chickens, with about 25% of the birds opening their mouths, proves that the temperature is suitable. Successful experience in temperature control: First, the principle of temperature compensation in summer high temperature season.

If the temperature is too high during the day, the temperature at night is slightly lower than the target temperature by 1~2°C, which will help relieve the heat stress of broilers and improve the heat resistance ability during the day. For example, at the age of 30 days, the target temperature is 22°C, and it can be adjusted to 20°C at night.

When the temperature difference is not too large and changes slowly, it will generally not cause colds and other diseases; second, when there is a conflict between the temperature and the air quality, it is better to have the temperature slightly lower than the target temperature, and appropriately increase the ventilation volume to reduce the temperature in the house. The concentration of harmful gases ensures a good environment; the third is to raise the temperature in advance when brooding.

Especially in winter, the temperature must be raised 3 days in advance, and the target temperature must be reached 24 hours before the chickens to start simulating brooding, and the chicken house management should be carried out in the state of chickens. Otherwise, even if the detected ambient temperature can reach the standard by using the rapid heating method, the walls and some corners, areas far from the heat source, and breeding facilities may not reach the target temperature.

In order to detect the uniformity of temperature in the chicken house, an infrared camera can be used to take pictures to detect the temperature difference in different parts of the chicken house, so that measures can be taken in time to improve the uniformity of heating.

Humidity Control

Humidity seems to be much less important than temperature in the chicken rearing process, but controlling the appropriate humidity is very important.

If the humidity is too low, the air in the house will be dry and the dust will increase, which will easily induce respiratory diseases; if the humidity is too high, the fermentation of feces and other wastes will intensify, and the amount of ammonia gas will be generated, which will further aggravate the contradiction between heat preservation and ventilation, and the ammonia concentration will be too high to stimulate and even burn The mucous membrane of the digestive tract induces respiratory diseases.

Well-known breeding companies also have a unique approach to humidity control: do not humidify by sprinkling water at any time, the humidity in the early stage is generally 30%~40%, keep the litter dry before the 28th day of age, and control the humidity below 60% in the late winter. The ammonia concentration in the chicken house before 21 days of age was lower than 5 mg/kg.

Good environmental conditions in the early stage are conducive to the growth and development of broilers, the organ development is good, and the ability of the body to resist adverse environmental conditions is improved. Even if the ventilation is slightly insufficient in the later stage, it will not cause major harm.

However, the technical directors of most leading enterprises generally question this point of view. This may be because the outside temperature in the north is lower than that in the south in winter, and the temperature difference between indoor and outdoor is large. If there is no humidification, the humidity inside the house will be lower.

Therefore, different regions should have different humidity control modes, which should be adapted to local conditions and cannot be completely imitated and copied.

However, it can also learn from its humidity control index to explore the humidity control scheme in northern my country and solve the problem of excessive concentration of harmful gases caused by excessive humidity.

Ventilation Control

The effect of ventilation in the chicken house directly affects the temperature, humidity and the concentration of various harmful substances in the air. Especially in recent years, large-scale intensive chicken farms have mostly adopted high-density breeding. In order to maintain the appropriate environmental conditions, more attention should be paid to ventilation, and the management should be stricter.

1. Correctly handle the relationship between heat preservation and ventilation

In order to reduce heating costs, some farms often set environmental parameters according to the minimum ventilation, especially in winter. Although the amount of oxygen required for the growth and development of broilers can be satisfied in theory, the humidity is too high and the concentration of ammonia gas exceeds the standard, which can irritate or even Burns the respiratory mucosa, leading to difficult control of respiratory diseases, secondary digestive tract and other diseases.

When ventilation and heat preservation are contradictory, ventilation should be given priority to, and the temperature should be lowered to keep heat. Especially in the cold northern regions, it is necessary to appropriately increase the heating input, increase the ventilation volume, and ensure good environmental conditions in the chicken house. Pay attention to ventilation from the first day of brooding, and the minimum ventilation volume per day in the first week is 0.0028 m 3 /s·kg.

2. Determination of ventilation mode

The first and second weeks are mainly heat preservation, especially when brooding in winter in northern my country, it is best to ventilate horizontally to achieve a balance between ventilation and heat preservation. From the third week, the ventilation volume and ventilation time should be increased, and the longitudinal ventilation should be turned on in due course.

When ventilating in winter, the scientific approach is to use the "on/stop" cycle ventilation mode, and the daily fan opening time should be less than 60%, and if the ventilation volume is not enough, increase the number of fans. The number of open fans should be as stable as possible, and the ventilation time should be shortened when the temperature is low at night. This mode is conducive to the accumulation of heat and reduces heating costs.

3. Determination of the size of the damper

Even at minimum ventilation, all air inlet windows must be open simultaneously and of the same size, with openings of at least 3 to 5 cm. If the air inlet is too large or too small, the heat exchange between cold and hot air will be insufficient, and the temperature difference between different parts will increase

In the horizontal ventilation mode, two stirring fans are installed back-to-back under the ridge of the chicken house. usage efficiency.

Under high temperature conditions in summer, try to adopt the principle of stable wind speed. Even if the nighttime temperature is 1-2 °C lower than the target temperature, the same ventilation volume should be maintained to avoid stress caused by constant adjustment of wind speed to the flock.

4. Uniform air supply design

In order to solve the problem of insufficient mixing of cold and hot air and uneven fresh air in different parts due to too concentrated air inlets, horizontal ventilation pipes are connected to the ventilation openings, and ventilation holes are evenly punched on the ventilation pipes to realize multi-point delivery. wind.

For example, in the ventilation design of the breeding mode, a breeding company draws on the ventilation design principle of the central air conditioner and the longitudinal ventilation design of the traditional chicken house. The designed U-shaped ventilation channel is divided into upper and lower layers, and 60% of the air volume of the upper channel passes through 13 inorganic ventilation channels. FRP horizontal air duct, 52 air outlets evenly enter the chicken house.

The remaining 40% of the air volume is sent from the lower channel to the clean side of the chicken house, and after entering the chicken house through the longitudinal vent, positive pressure is used to push the air in the house to be discharged from the dirty side.

Equipping and using facilities and equipment

1. Innovation of breeding concept

Mechanization and intelligence are the inevitable trend of the development of my country's broiler industry. The development concept of "people manage equipment, equipment raises chickens, and chickens raise people" not only effectively solves the problem of shortage of labor resources, but also improves the level of feeding management and reduces biological security. risk. At present, standardized-scale farms have realized automatic feeding and automatic drinking water, and the environmental control system and manure cleaning system are also being continuously upgraded.

2. Selection of facilities and equipment

To change the concept that imported equipment is absolutely superior to domestic equipment, the best is the one that suits my country's national conditions. Imported environmental control equipment has a high degree of automation, but its design only considers climate factors, and does not consider factors such as differences in biosafety environments.

For example, foreign countries basically use aerosol and other herd immunization, but in our country, it is still necessary to immunize animals one by one. If the design of cages and other equipment is improper, it will increase the amount of labor. After continuous technological innovation, some breeding enterprises have researched and developed cages and supporting facilities and equipment suitable for their own needs, which not only saves huge investment, but also improves the efficiency of equipment use.

3. Supporting machinery and equipment

With the improvement of the level of mechanization and intelligence, the scale of breeding has gradually expanded, while the amount of labor has been significantly reduced. However, in the process of slaughtering, due to the lack of facilities and equipment, a large amount of labor is required to capture, cage and load.

Especially in the cage mode, this contradiction is even more prominent. The number of stocks per unit area is more than three times that of other breeding modes. Even if the conveyor belt is used to solve the problem of catching chickens in the house, it is still necessary to organize a large amount of labor to work in the small space outside the chicken house. Cages and trucks are installed in the space, which reduces the efficiency of the automatic chicken-out equipment in the house, so further research is needed to solve the supporting equipment.

4. Cultivation of new talents

Now many enterprises have invested huge sums of money to purchase imported equipment, and the facilities and equipment have reached the world's leading level.

However, some breeders and even technicians cannot fully understand the performance of the equipment. Some farms only use the environmental control equipment as a thermometer and fan switch, and turn off other functions. The high-tech equipment has almost become a decoration. It is necessary to strengthen the training of professional and technical personnel, fully understand the functions and usage methods of facilities and equipment, and give full play to the performance of advanced equipment.

Biosafety Firewall

1. All in all out system management

"All in, all out" refers to a feeding management system in which only chicks of the same age are raised in a certain area, and all chickens are slaughtered on the same day.

When it is not possible to have all-in and all-out due to conditions such as slaughtering capacity, at least all-in and all-out of each house must be achieved.

In view of the large number of broiler chickens in Shandong, it is difficult to maintain a sufficient safety distance between all farms.

Large-scale leading enterprises have expanded the implementation scope of all-in and all-out, and divided the farms that are close to each other into the same area. The farms in the same area must achieve all-in and all-out. Although this prolongs the time for slaughter and the empty period, However, due to the improvement of the biological security level, the breeding effect has been significantly improved.

2. Cleaning and disinfection of the chicken coop

Immediately after the broiler chickens are released from the slaughterhouse, the organization should be cleaned, scrubbed and disinfected. Disassembled equipment should be cleaned and disinfected after disassembly as much as possible, leaving no dead space. After cleaning and disinfection, the house should be empty for at least 2 weeks.

Cleaning and disinfection should also pay attention to the following details:

First, all low-value consumables are destroyed, and low-value consumables such as brooms, shovels, and recording forms in the chicken coop are completely eliminated for harmless treatment.

The second is to strengthen the cleaning and disinfection of the breeder's dormitory, clean up all the items in the dormitory, eliminate low-value consumables, and thoroughly clean and disinfect the clothes. The staff dormitory and the items used are thoroughly disinfected, and fumigation is carried out like the chicken coop, and unsterilized items are strictly prohibited from entering.

The third is to improve the level of biosafety management. Conditional commodity farms can be constructed and managed in accordance with the standards of breeder farms.

3. Air purification and disinfection

Some breeding companies have designed an air filtration system in the underground breeding mode. The air is first washed with PP rosettes, wet curtains, and then filtered through the primary filter. The effective removal rate of PM10 is as high as 78%, and the main pathogenic microorganisms are filtered out. carrier.

At the same time, referring to the waste gas treatment plan of chemical enterprises, a vertical countercurrent high-efficiency scrubber is used to purify the waste gas discharged from the chicken house, and the biological purifier that uses microbial filtration technology to treat and degrade the waste gas reduces the harmful gas and dust. While protecting the atmospheric environment, it improves its own biosafety environment.

Prevention and control of chicken disease

At present, disease is still an important factor that plagues breeding enterprises in the standard-scale broiler breeding. Management and climatic factors have a greater impact on the incidence of the disease.

Too high or too low temperature, too low humidity, poor ventilation, too high concentration of ammonia, too much ventilation, sudden changes in weather, strong winds, dust, smog, etc. have a greater impact on diseases.

The temperature, humidity and ventilation should be adjusted in time according to the weather conditions. Especially for non-airtight chicken houses, when encountering cooling weather, it has a greater impact on the temperature inside the house, and the airtight chicken house is relatively less affected by the external environment.

In terms of vaccine selection, it is necessary to choose a suitable vaccine, and regularly check the antibody level after the vaccine is used to ensure that it can protect; domestic or imported vaccines should be selected according to the effect of the vaccine, as not all imported vaccines are better than domestic vaccines.

In addition, keep abreast of the epidemic status of the epidemic, and prevent different types of infectious diseases in a targeted manner. Attention should also be paid to rodent control in chicken farms. Studies have shown that rats are an important source of disease transmission, especially pullorum. Eliminating rats in chicken farms is very important for purifying the disease in the farm area.

Different breeding modes

At present, there are three main feeding modes of chickens: thick bedding feeding, flat feeding on the net and cage feeding.

The purchase of modern equipment such as cages and environmental control requires a large amount of investment, and the quality of personnel is high, which is the main factor restricting the promotion of cage breeding.

Cage breeding has significant advantages such as saving land resources, saving energy, facilitating mechanized and intelligent operation, and high feed conversion ratio. It can solve the problems of shortage of land, feed and other resources in our country and labor shortage. It is one of the important directions for the development of my country's broiler industry.

If you are looking for quality poultry breeding equipment visit PHOENIX - they will cater to all your poultry farming needs.

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Phoenix Breeding Equipment Co., Ltd is a professional manufacturer and exporter that is concerned with the design, development and production of livestock breeding equipment. which can provide all kinds of poultry farm equipment, such as automatic feeding and drinking linepoultry nipple drinker, rabbit nipple drinker, poultry feederpoultry drinkierventilation fanCooling pad , egg incubator,pvc pipe ,ss pipe etc. Check out our site to find the latest in poultry equipment. We hope you’ll fine the right products for you,, and how it allows you to scale up to the next level when you’re ready.

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