Management skills for broilers in cages---details determine success or failure!(2)

Publish Time: 2022-12-25     Origin: Cangzhou Phoenix Breeding Equipment Co., Ltd



3. Main points of feeding and management of broilers in cages


4). Humidity control in the chicken house


(1) Humidity control in the chicken house during the brooding period


The humidity in the chicken house during the brooding period should be kept at 60-65%. To increase the humidity in the chicken house, you can place several pots of water in the house to increase the air humidity in the chicken house through evaporation. Increase the humidity in the house. It is not recommended to sprinkle water on the ground or install sprinklers to increase the humidity in the house.


(2) Humidity control in the chicken coop during the rearing period


The humidity in the chicken coop during the rearing period should be kept at 40-60%. Appropriate humidity is conducive to the normal growth of broilers. The humidity should not be too high or too low. If the humidity is too low, it will easily cause dehydration of broilers, poor feather growth, dry skin, and dust in the air, which will easily induce respiratory diseases. If the humidity is too high in summer, it will easily cause the heat dissipation of the chicken body to be blocked, the feed intake will decrease, and the drinking water will increase, and it will cause heat stroke. If the humidity is too high in winter, the chicken body will lose heat too much, the feed intake will increase, and the feed consumption will increase. This leads to an increase in the feed-to-meat ratio and increases the cost of farming.


5). Control of broiler feeding in cages


(1) Control of broiler chicken feeding during the brooding period


During the brooding period, broilers raised in cages follow the same principles as those of online flat rearing and ground flat rearing. Manual feeding is adopted, and feeding trays are used instead of feeding troughs. The number of manual feeding during brooding is 6-8 times/ Every day, feed less and add more often to increase the feed intake of chickens.


(2) Feeding control of broiler chickens during the rearing period


Broiler chickens are fed during the rearing period by feeding machines. Generally, they are fed twice a day. At the same time, the frequency of feeding is changed according to the increase in age. When using the feeding machine during the breeding period, it should be combined with manual feeding, so as to avoid affecting the normal growth of broilers due to the lack of feeder.

6). Controlling the density of broilers in cages



(1) Density control in the chicken house during the brooding period


Cage broiler brooding adopts the combination of whole house brooding and upper cage brooding. The number of broilers in each cage is 25, and whole house brooding is adopted, so there is no problem of crowding.


(2) Density control in the chicken house during the rearing period


The stocking density of caged broilers during the growing period is related to the season. The stocking density is low in summer, and the stocking density in winter can be increased appropriately. Generally, 8-9 broilers are fed in each cage.

4. Problems to be paid attention to in the feeding and management of broilers in cages


1). Problems to be paid attention to in terms of temperature


(1) Reasonable placement (height and quantity) of thermometers


The length and width of the chicken house in the standardized chicken house are relatively large, and the temperature in the east, west or north and south sides of the chicken house is inconsistent. Attention should be paid to the reasonable placement of the thermometer, and a thermometer is placed in the east, middle and west of the chicken house, so that Get the average temperature in the house.


(2) Cooling measures in summer (wet curtain)


In summer, the temperature in the chicken coop can be lowered through the cooling curtain. At the same time, attention should be paid to the opening time of the cooling curtain to avoid the temperature in the chicken coop being too low or inconsistent, causing the chickens to catch a cold.


(3) Temperature control in autumn

In autumn, the temperature difference between day and night is large. The temperature in the chicken house should be adjusted to avoid the phenomenon of temperature fluctuations.


(4) Insulation in winter


In winter, use heating or blowers to increase the temperature in the chicken house.

2). Issues of attention in terms of density


Paying attention to the density of chicken houses in caged broilers is actually paying attention to observing the different feed intake of chickens in each cage, and adjusting the number of chickens in each cage to achieve uniform feed intake.


3). Issues to pay attention to in immunity


When immunizing broilers in cages, drinking water is often used for immunization. During immunization, attention should be paid to the dose of vaccine and the time of drinking water. The time of drinking water should not be too long, which will easily reduce the immune potency of the vaccine.




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